Industry News and Issues

New laws effective January 1, 2018

Recent state legislation provides clarification and fee assistance for the creation of ADUs. Governor Brown signed two separate bills on October 8, 2017: SB 229 (Wieckowski) and AB 494 (Bloom).

These bills, effective January 1, 2018, clarify and improve various provisions of the law to promote the development of ADUs, including allowing ADUs to be built concurrently with a single-family home, opening areas where ADUs can be built to include all zoning districts that allow single-family uses, modifying fees from utilities, such as special districts and water corporations, and reducing parking requirements. Please see the HCD Technical Assistance Memorandum: Accessory Dwelling Unit Legislation (SB 229 & AB 494) (PDF), dated May 29, 2018, for further information.

Recent updates to state laws for ADUs

State legislation that took effect January 1, 2017 gave California cities more flexibility and latitude for allowing homeowners to build ADUs. Three separate bills were introduced and signed by Governor Brown; SB 1069 (Wieckowski), AB 2299 (Bloom), and AB 2406 (Thurmond). Each of these land use bills make it easier than ever for homeowners to take advantage of this attractive opportunity.

In a nutshell On January 1st, 2017 The California legislature found and declared that “allowing accessory dwelling units (ADUs) in single-family and multifamily zones provides additional rental housing and are an essential component in addressing housing needs in California”.

This declaration makes it possible for you to increase the value of your home and increase your monthly income significantly for years to come.

California has the 49th lowest ratio of housing units per resident and the lowest vacancy rate the state has ever seen, at 3.6%. The housing shortage has been estimated at 3-4 million housing units California has only been adding only 2 new housing units for every 10 new residents.

Demand for housing in California is high and even if you only own an R-1 lot chances are you can Build an ADU and create additional monthly income Today.

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